Saturday, December 18, 2010


When I was small and used to live in my village, during my visits to my farms I used to look at the horizon and actually believe that far away there is a place where earth meets the sky. At times I used to run towards it spreading my hands in the air in order to touch the sky. The longer I ran, farther the point where the earth meets the sky gone.

Now I have gone through schools and college; and have been taught that there is no such place where the earth meets the sky. Call me a fool, I am still running hands spread in the air trying to touch the sky. Although there is one thing that sometimes scares me. What if I manage to touch the sky? What will happen then? No running, no spreading of hands in the air. Will I be happy or sad? I don't have the answer. I just know one thing. In all these years I have started to love the running.

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