Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

Jason Bourne starts his search of himself from his last known location Moscow. There are still some people at high positions in CIA think that he is dangerous and should be eliminated. Chase begins again, but Bourne is always one step ahead of his prosecutors. In the middle of high speed action he keeps on unfolding some more truths about his past.

Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon had really big challenge to keep this movie up to the expectations raised by last two movies of the series and he does not disappoint. One thing I like about Jason Bourne is that whatever he does can be done in real world and is humanly possible and that's the USP of the series. This movie also shows some great work with the camera. It seems cameraman didn't know what the next scene will be, camera seems to follow the movements.

This is a fitting finale to a great series. Hope they are not planning movies on The Bourne Legacy and The Bourne Betrayal.

PS: Don't try to relate the movie with the Book. The character is from the book not the story.

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