Friday, June 29, 2007

Holocaust: President's Watch

Recently I read a news that George Bush lost his watch, when he was visiting Albania. I gave this idea a thought and I think this could be plot to an action packed hollywood thriller.

Imagine US president is visiting some third world country and when he is waving to the crowd, some pick pocket steals his watch. Now this is not an ordinary watch, there is something special about it. As soon as people know about the incident there is a hunt around the world to find that watch.

Mossad, CIA, KGB, MI5, Al-qaida, Hamas all are trying to get hold of that watch. Our hero who is a CIA agent has been given the job to find that watch before it falls in any other hand. And our villain, who is an Al-qaida activist is trying his best to get to the watch before CIA gets it.

Somewhere in between during a meeting in white house it is revealed to the audience, that this is not an ordinary watch and it holds the key to the US nuclear defense program. The key was built in the president's watch because no body ever thought that someone will ever dare to steal that watch from president's hand.

The whole story revolves around the three main characters, the pickpocket, the CIA agent and the al-qaida activist, played by Tom Hanks, Mark Wahlberg and Eric Bana respectively.

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