Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Silver Surfer and Four Abnormal Idiots

This sounds to be the more suitable title for "Fantastic Four and The Rise of Silver Surfer".

Leave aside the special effects, cinematography and other technical details, the story is so bad that none of these help the movie. The story is so bad and full of so many cliche elements that you start hating your decision of watching this movie and start cursing your friends who prompted you for watching this movie.

Our bollywood filmmakers have better scripts than this one. Climax of the movie is the worst part. Galectus are approaching the earth to destroy it, and silver surfer sits on his surf board head down, stands up, says one dialogue "This is the end for us both" and everything comes back to normal. You feel cheated that all the drama you saw for last two hours was just for one dialogue.

I will not rate this movie. Would just say, don't watch it even if you have a lot of free time and money to waste. Waste it somewhere else. Because wasting your time and money here might cause you further damage (No pun intended).

By the way don't be surprised if you get to watch two sequels of this flick "Silver Surfer and the Martian" and "Fantastic Four and the Dead Man". (By dead man I mean Victor von Doom, who doesn't seem to die).

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